Part-time Executive Director

The Irish Franchise Association (IFA) is the volunteer led representative body for the franchising sector in Ireland. We are currently seeking proposals from interested parties to fulfil a part-time Executive Director role through a three-year managed service agreement. It is envisaged that the role will require a commitment of one day per week. 



Services which the Service Provider will provide to the IFA


  1. Membership renewal
  2. Membership development
  3. Relationship Management of all members, partners and suppliers
  4. Supports for operation of Sub-Committees 
  5. Oversight of Banking, Invoicing, Payments and Receipts
  6. Management of Annual Accounts
  7. Query Handling
  8. Oversight of Company Secretarial Service
  9. Organise and deliver Executive Director report at board meetings
  10. Reporting to the Chairman of the Board, and authorised others
  11. Oversight of Event Management
  12. Support for strategy development 
  13. Execution and updating of strategy as appropriate
  14. Public representation, media interviews and publications
  15. Advocacy
  16. Operational Supports
  17. Any others as the parties may from time to time agree



Please send your costed proposal, outlining relevant previous experience, along with the CV’s of those that will be directly responsible for delivering the above services to

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